NO COST Health Screening
What is a NO COST Health Screening?
During a no-cost health screening at Biocentric Health Center we will review your medical history and evaluate your current overall health. We also will complete the necessary diagnostic testing to determine trial eligibility such as:
Blood Pressure Check
Blood Sugar Level Check
Cholesterol Testing
The extent of your testing will depend on your health conditions. All exams and labwork offered to you during our health screening are provided free of charge.
What is a Health Screening Does For You?
Our comprehensive health screening offers you
the opportunity:
To find out more about your current health
Ask Questions about Medical Research Studies
Find out which medical research study might be
beneficial to your specific health concerns
Completing a free health screen does not in any way
obligate to you sign up for a medical research study.
It will give you the opportunity to personally visit with
one of our research experts who can answer your
questions and give you the information you need to
make an informed decision about participating in a trial.